
Motherhood: A Hug Story

I still remember the moment Miles breathed life into this world. You never forget the first time they cry and then the very moment when they land skin-to-skin on you. I’m so grateful to be working with Huggies this year and being an Ambassador for what they believe in – the power of hugs and benefits of skin-to-skin contact. If you’re a new parent or expecting, you’ve probably already heard so much about this beautiful and free gift you can give a child. Being a new parent myself, I have experienced the benefits of this first hand and thoroughly enjoy practicing giving hugs and skin-to-skin whenever we can (which really isn’t hard to do at all)! 

July 16, 2018 is Global Hug Your Kid Day and I cannot stress enough that the simplest act of a hug may mean so much more to your child than it may to you. Every child deserves a hug and to be shown care and affection. I can’t imagine raising Miles without any hugs or kisses! I think I’m squeezing him constantly throughout the day, all the way until bedtime, and then when he’s in bed, I already miss him (said every parent ever). This is so vital, that over 600 medical studies on the effects of human touch are proving what moms have always known– hugs are so important. They are vital to the healthy development of a child and the benefits of human touch for babies often extends throughout childhood. So much so that benefits can include major impacts on a child’s life such as improved sleep, faster weight gain and healthier brain development. All good things, you’d wish for your child as a parent right? 

Personally, growing up in a traditional Asian family, hugs meant so much. Words of affirmation were more difficult to share, so when hugs were shared between my parents and I, I felt their affection, love and understanding. Having a child of my own now, I truly understand what they may mean for Miles. I want Miles to grow up knowing that hugs are normal in our family: that he can be comforted, loved and understood through a hug. I want him to grow up to understand that mom and dad will always be there for him in all the good and the bad. I want him to show compassion for others through acts like a hug. I want him to show the world empathy. 

So, today, think about what a hug may mean to you and how it can impact the life of a child. If you are a parent or caregiver of your own little human, hold them a bit longer and squeeze them just a little tighter today. If you’re expecting, remember the benefits of having skin-to-skin and enjoy the precious moments. If you simply want to show your appreciation to a child in need, give them a squeeze because they should feel loved too! 

Visit to learn more about the power of hugs.

*This post has been in partnership with Huggies