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Toddler Recipe: 15 Minute Korean Noodle Soup

When Miles first started solids, it was easy but difficult at the same time. Everything was pretty much pureed. If it wasn’t, we needed to make sure his food was extra soft so that there wasn’t a risk of him choking on it. After Miles turned one, we started to notice that he could now slowly eat meals like ours! This made life so much easier because I didn’t need to think of making him a meal different from ours every day (unless we were having something spicy, overly salty or fried)!

Since I want Miles to get used to an array of different kinds of foods, I started running out of ideas of what to make! That’s when my mama friends and I started trading recipes for our growing toddlers. This got me thinking to start posting more of the recipes of what I like to make for Miles. I always get a lot of messages whenever I post stories of his meals or Miles eating so here’s the start to a few recipes I’ll be posting from time to time!

One of his favourite foods are noodles. Yep, the kid definitely got that from his mama. These are my take on delicious udon noodles that’ll last you a few meals! This recipe is super easy and can be made from start to finish in about 15 minutes – if you don’t get interrupted! The best part is that Roy and I also enjoy the same meal – we just add a tad bit more salt!


For the broth + noodles:

  • 4 cups water
  • Anchovy broth (from scratch): ½ onion, 2 garlic cloves, 1 scallion (the white part), 10 anchovies, 1 small dried kelp , soup soy sauce to taste. If you’re pressed for time anchovy broth packs/powder works too
  • Thin wheat flour noodles (similar here)

For toppings:

  • Carrots, julienned
  • Cooked zucchini, julienned
  • Fried egg, julienned
  • Green onions, diced (the green part from above)
  • Sesame seeds


  1. Pour 4 cups of water into large pot and boil on high.
  2. Make anchovy base broth with ½ onion, 2 garlic cloves, 1 scallion (the white top part), 10 anchovies, 1 small dried kelp and soup soy sauce to taste. If you’re pressed for time or ingredients, you can also use anchovy broth packets or powder sold in asian super markets.
  3. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. As you wait for the broth to boil, pour water into a separate pot and set on high.
  5. Once boiling, add salt and cook wheat flour noodles on medium heat for 3-5 minutes or until soft.
  6. Drain noodles, add some sesame oil to prevent noodles from sticking.
  7. Let soup cool to room temperature.
  8. Cut noodles into smaller pieces and serve with your little one’s favourite toppings!

15 minutes and done. Honestly, super easy and convenient! You can store any leftover soup in the fridge and just make fresh noodles for the next serving!

Clean up of course is down to 5 minutes because Miles is a big help in the kitchen nowadays. He knows how to store (or sometimes dump) his plates into our LG Top Control Dishwasher with QuadWash® Steam, but hey I’ll take all the help I can get! With the LG QuadWash Steam, we virtually eliminate the need to pre-wash our dishes thanks to the TrueSteam® technology.

We make sure to load the dishwasher after our meals so that we’re not left with a pile of dishes at the end of the day (or for my mother in law in this case)! When it gets full, we’ll run the dishwasher – equipped with four spray arms instead of two – and then switch over to get daddy and Miles to put them away. And, yes it’s been nearly three months since we’ve received this bad boy and still have no complaints about it. One less thing to think about for this busy family!

*This post has been in partnership with LG Electronics Canada Inc. however opinion and review is my own.